
Monday, March 3, 2014

I start off everyday with gratitude, but there is something particularly different about today and the upcoming months. They are full of excitement and drive, entwined with a healthy dose of fear. 

My gratitude, ironically, is for all the obstacles I have right in front of me. They keep me going. They make me feel alive. They challenge me. And in return, they grant me valuable experience and growth. And, make that autobiography that much more interesting.

Everyone starts somewhere, but where will they end up? We have full control of where we are and where we want to go. We are inspired by dreams and guided by our ambition. What's the point of setting low expectations, when life is all about the highs? Good things come with time, and nothing good comes that easily.

And I leave you with a little wisdom from Mr. Mandela:
And a little sneak peek of my latest dream coming to life! #TheAdventureCollection
(well, if I don't decide to jump off a bridge first)

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