
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

This is outfit post number one from my favorite shoot to date. Nevada is absolutely stunning in my eyes. The lack of greenery creates a minimalistic tendency that I just love. I love Miami, but I'm used to seeing that everyday. 
And we all know, what we don't have everyday, we tend to appreciate more. 

Dry landscapes. Beautiful sunsets. Endless roads. The heat. The vast open spaces. Maybe a snake or two. 
And then, the camera captured me at my current state: me regaining perspective on how vast life is, just like these endless deserts. And I'm right in the middle of it. 

And, I might or might have not left my dignity in Vegas. Definitely, one never to forget.

much love, t

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this outfit! the pants are amazing, but I also love the top!! are they Furor Moda?!

    You look beautiful by the way!
